Thursday, March 31, 2011


Here are some samples of possible image, logo and business card designs for Elephanta, a curriculum development company.  The story below was written by my client.  The story could be seen as an introduction to Elephanta's educational and company beliefs.

A long, long time ago, before i-phones and pay-at-the-pump gas stations, there lived an old man whose wisdom was greatly celebrated. Young people traveled long distances just to sit at his feet in hopes of absorbing his knowledge. The old man did not talk much, a tendency that came to frustrate one student in particular, who finally blurted out, "Tell us what the world is like, old man!" The old man only giggled, which further antagonized the fresh student.
Patient and loving as he was, the old man blind-folded the students and led them through the jungle until they came upon an elephant. "This the world is like, you tell me." Then, one by one, the students began to speak: A girl standing nearest the elephant's tusk said, "It is smooth and curves steadily into a dangerous point." A boy standing adjacent to one of the legs said, "No, it stands tall and inflexible, like an oak tree, but, of leather." Another boy, petite in stature, had somehow made his way under the elephant's belly, and not knowing the danger to which he was vulnerable said, "I believe there is nothing to it!" Then the sister of that girl who stood nearest the tusk (for those girls knew to stay close together) let fly an aching falsetto that made skip two beats every heart within each of the now-terrified, blind-folded students. The elephant had wound it's thick trunk around the girl's small frame making a seat for her in its coiling embrace, then lifted her up, up...up into the air. But in mid-ascent her scream began to descend into a deep baritone, for the journey had exhausted her fear, and her abdomen grew purposeful and began to squeeze the very core of her being until finally the only sound left was of butterflies fluttering from the basement of her belly and across her surprised lips.

Then, silence came to rein their jungle scene. A wide smile crossed the girl's face as she sat hovering graciously in mid-air. The other students, however, stood blind-folded with puzzled expressions on their faces: How would they ever deduce an answer from so many conflicting descriptions?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Training

I have recently been training Denise on blogging. I just saw a couple of Denise’s posts for WOW and WWBC and figured I would share her blogs with you.  She is doing a great job and I am loving the teaching process.  The training process is also helping me to put some good blogging strategies into words. 

This internship has really helped me to solidify the idea that I want to do design work but what I am really passionate about is working with people.  In addition to graphic design, I would love to work one-on-one with artists and other small business to teach them about blogging, or how to use other social media tools to benefit their small business.

I think I will explain some of my more specific goals in another post. 

For example of what I can help people create, check out my other blogs/websites.  All of these examples help people find my artwork online.  Feel free to contact me or leave a message, even just to say "hi." 
my facebook page - Be sure to like my FB page if you visit!
my art and design blog - I am currently posting tutorials and photographs of projects.  I plan to do a series on art business tips in the near future.
my photography blog – I will be posting new photos again in the summer.
my website and portfolio
Sick Religion is my personal blog about Religion and sometimes art
Squidoo page for my salamander Sheri the Boy (This is really just a sample of a great Search Engine Optimization tool)

Feel free to let me know if there is something else.  Just because I didn't list it here doesn't mean that I don't still have an interest in that area.  And if I don't have an decent background in that are, I may know someone who could help you.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Alice Freeman Artist Promotional Video

Alice Freeman Video

Here is another video, I created for a WOW member.  Creating videos like this could be something that I enjoy doing in the future as well.

Figure Show

Tuesday, March 1, 2011